Unlock the Potential of Japan and China

With Our Low-Cost Business Expansion Services

  • Local Market Research
  • Content Localization
  • E-commerce Store Localization
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Consulting Service
DigitalNinja.link Service
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Team Support

Our team is strategically located across multiple countries, allowing us to provide 24/7 support and cater to your specific time zone.

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No Fixed Cost

We offer a transparent pricing model that allows you to choose the services that best meet your business needs and budget.

flexible contract

Flexible Contract

Whether you need short-term assistance or long-term support, we can work with you to develop a contract that meets your requirements and ensures your satisfaction.

Local Market Research

We offer local market research services in Japan and China, including competitor research, quantitative research, and qualitative research through focus groups. Our research provides valuable insights and data-driven recommendations to help clients make informed decisions and succeed in these markets.

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Content Localization

Content localization is a critical step for businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with audiences in the Japanese and Chinese markets. We provide comprehensive content localization services, which go beyond simple translation. Our services include localizing website, Apple store, and social media content to meet the unique needs and expectations of your target market. This involves customizing your articles, images, videos, and audio to resonate with local audiences, while ensuring accuracy and cultural appropriateness.

E-commerce Store Localization

Expanding your e-commerce store to new markets like Japan and China can be a great way to grow your business, but it can also be a challenging endeavor. E-commerce store localization for Japan and China involves tailoring your website’s design, content, and user experience to meet the expectations and preferences of local customers. This includes translating your website into Japanese or Chinese, optimizing your website’s design for local devices and screens, and adapting your product offerings to meet local demands and preferences.

Social Media Marketing

Our social media marketing service for the Japanese and Chinese market helps businesses expand their reach and engage with local audiences through effective social media strategies. We specialize in creating tailored social media campaigns on popular platforms such as LINE (Japan), WeChat, Weibo, RED, Bilibili (China) and more.

Our services include creating and managing social media accounts, developing content calendars, creating engaging and shareable content, and monitoring and analyzing the performance of social media campaigns.

Our goal is to help our clients achieve their international growth objectives and maximize their return on investment in the Japanese and Chinese market.



TikTok is a popular social media platform that has gained significant popularity in Japan, with over 10 million monthly active users. Currently, TikTok offers the most cost-effective way to generate a high volume of views and followers without spending a lot of money, this also applies to the Japanese market. Our services include creating and managing TikTok accounts, developing content calendars, creating engaging and shareable content, and monitoring and analyzing the performance of TikTok marketing campaigns.

Consulting Service

Consulting services for digital marketing in Japan and China provide expert advice and guidance on developing effective digital marketing strategies for businesses with established design and marketing teams. These services help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tools in the rapidly growing digital marketing industries of Japan and China, leveraging effective social media platforms, online advertising channels, content marketing, and search engine optimization strategies to reach their target customers.